Oh no, you’re in the middle of a round of golf and you can feel yourself starting to choke. It happens to everyone, but it doesn’t have to ruin your whole game. Here are some tips to help you get back in control when you feel yourself slipping.
Remind Yourself That Everybody Messes Up
So, you hit a really bad shot. Take a moment to remind yourself that everybody messes up occasionally, and one mistake doesn’t mean the rest of your game is going to go down the toilet. You know you are capable of playing golf well, so all you have to do is get your nerves under control and go back to playing like you normally do. One mistake isn’t a big deal – unless you let it ruin your whole game.
Turn Those Nerves into Excitement
When you’re nervous, you often have a physical response that includes an increased heart rate, faster breathing, and sweating. This is the same type of response that many people have when they’re excited. Try taking those physical feelings of nervousness and flipping how you think of them – can you swap that nervous feeling for excitement? Sure, maybe this hole is going to be the difference between winning or losing, but isn’t that exciting? Try to meet your nerves head on and focus those feelings on your love of golf.
Sip Water or Chew Gum
Sometimes when you feel golf nerves creeping up on you after you’ve just messed up a shot, what you really need to do is get out of your own head. A simple way to distract yourself and turn your thoughts toward something more positive is to take a few sips of water or chew a stick of gum. This gives you something else to focus on and helps you to stop fixating on that crummy shot, putting you in the right headspace to hit the ball right where you want it to go on the next hole.
Just Have Fun
Look, in the end, golf is only a game. That’s why we play it – because it’s fun. Don’t let your nerves about playing poorly take away the fun of playing a game you love on a beautiful course with a group of buddies. If you find yourself feeling upset that you’re not playing your best, remind yourself that you do this for the joy of golfing, not just for winning. Slow down, remember what you love about the game, and focus on that.
You’ll feel more secure on the golf course if you know you have a supply of your favorite balls to play with. At Golf Ball Planet, we have amazing deals on all the best brands! Check out our online store today.
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