It happens to even the best golfers from time to time – you do your pre-shot routine, locate your target, wind up to swing, make contact with the ball and…it flies completely in the wrong direction. It’s frustrating, to say the least. Read on to find out why this happens and how to stop shanking the ball.
What is Shanking?
The term “shanking the ball” refers to a shot where, when you hit it, the golf ball goes flying off at an unintended and usually undesirable angle, often sharply to the right (for a right-handed golfer) or left (for a left-handed golfer).
What Causes Shanking?
A golf shank occurs when your clubhead makes contact with the ball near the hosel (the part of the clubhead closest to the shaft) instead of the clubface. Just as making clean contact with the center of the clubface helps improve trajectory and aim, hitting the ball with the hosel of the club causes it to shoot at an unintended direction, usually low to the ground. Luckily, there are a number of habits you can learn that will help cure your golf shanks.
How to Stop Shanking the Ball
Get Your Stance Right
Often times, if you shank a lot, it’s because you don’t have the proper stance. If your arms are crowded too close to your body, it’s very easy to hit with the hosel when you swing your club. In order to avoid this, you want to make sure your body is bent forward enough that your arms hang freely under your shoulders. This will make it much easier to hit the ball with the center of the clubface.
Release Tension
A tense grip often results in less control of your club, even though it may intuitively feel like you’re exerting more control. You want to keep a firm but relaxed grip on your club and make sure your forearms aren’t clenched.
Maintain Balance
Proper balance is important not just when you set up for your shot, but throughout. Start with your weight 50% each in your front and back foot, then as you swing transfer your weight mostly into your front foot by the time you make impact with the ball.
Pay Attention to Your Swing Shape
Being mindful of keeping your swing shape circular helps to cure shanking. Keep your underarms close to your body as you swing. This will give you a circular swing and reduce the likelihood of making contact with the hosel and shanking the ball.
The more you practice these techniques, the better you will get at not shanking the ball. We’ve got you covered with plenty of great deals on used golf balls from all your favorite brands.
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